
One thing I’ve come to know is that while self awareness and transparency with oneself is difficult, it is everything. Furthermore, it’s amazing when you candidly share your life experience how many other people share similar stories.

First, we are not alone.

Second, we are not called to be full of shame or guilt.

Third, if we took a look inward maybe we could reveal in ourselves ah-ha moments, areas in need of improvement and a little more compassion for ourselves and the journey that is so individually ours.

Taking care of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually typically comes second to the needs of others. (guilty)

Finding time for all the things is difficult – but my “selfish” bone is surfacing and near demanding attention.

How thin do we expect to spread ourselves? What gives?

Kim German always says that we have to fill our bucket first in order to pour into others; into all the other things – spouse, kids, career, each other.

As a licensed therapist and mindful enthusiast, Kim will be leading our Self-Love Workshop this Saturday where we have the opportunity to put ourselves first. Furthermore, to absorb and take-away ways we can continue nurturing ourselves from the inside out.

Seats are limited. Link to purchase tickets below:

see you there – xx