I Want to Remember…

It’s a Tuesday. It was a cooler morning but what a beautiful day it grew into. 

Today I want to remember my client telling me how she adopted her son from China. Her explanation of how he was tiny, with a big head and how he looked different than the pictures she had seen of him. What a description. I hope she wrote that down somewhere to cherish forever. She is trying to raise him speaking both English and Vietnamese but proclaimed his stubbornness. He hugged me tightly before he left – His name is Ian. 

Today I want to remember the soulful conversation I had with a woman whom is a client but I can already tell will be a dear friend. The greatest compliment, she gave to me today: I love how you are just, you. Real, honest, gutsy conversations – those are the ones that get me; they feed my soul. 

Enjoy your journey. 

Until next time. 

I Want to Remember…

Today I want to remember the simplicity of a gloomy, drizzly day and how it put a lightness in my step. A March day that mimicked spring; the smells, the cloudiness, the 70 degree temperature. Green, trees and flowers are beginning to sprout at the Arb; birds are sounding through the day. Spring is coming. 

Today I want to remember meaningful conversation with a dear friend. We conversed, got real and eventually laughed over a box of Asian fans. Do you ever crave soulful conversations? That’s this friend. She’s full of real-ness and soul. Just what everyone needs. 

Today I want to remember the orange Tiger Lily, amid birthday flowers, that opened, eye to the sky, bloomed. Wow. Yesterday she was enveloped but today, flourishing. 

“I decided that the single most subversive, revolutionary thing I could do was to show up for my life and not be ashamed.” Anne Lamott

Good day, friends.