
I have this obsession with checking the National Day Calendar & when I saw yesterday was National Learn About Butterflies Day, only one thing came to mind: our Dana. Mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend.

To us, she was aunt. And our aunt Dana was the greatest, silliest, orneriest, funniest, big haired, red lipped human; best laugh included.

At a family get together she revealed to us her tattoo; a butterfly. So “outside the lines” of her then. And we loved it.

Little did she know that she would transform us, individually & as a family, while she was on earth & thereafter as she flew away to the Skies.

It is noted that the butterfly is a symbol of powerful transformation; the word of the soul & the mark of elevation from earthly matters. Our Dana. 

Since Dana’s passing several members of our family have had the colorful symbol inked on limbs of their own in her remembrance & in her reminder that this life is one of transformation. Where we are today gives no preface for tomorrow’s vantage point & that the moment of “now” is most precious. 

Thank you Dana for transforming in my heart that the time spent with my loved ones is most treasured; that the unknown concept of time should furthermore instill in us to love, give & value our close ones.