
I finished the alchemist + began a discussion group with a handful of gals; they are equally promoting self-growth. 

In our first week we discussed positivity in addition to the power in letting things, people and circumstances go that do not serve us and are potentially prompting negativity in our lives. How often do we find ourselves holding onto things, people and circumstances in fear of the unknown, in attempt to fix it/them or in hopes it will pan out? 

To acknowledge that something is not good for us is empowering, liberating and down right good. 

“If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello…” – Paulo Coelho

Intentional living of the week: allow space, breathing room + meditation with the Divine to give us discernment of whether some thing or someone should be released. Maybe there is another time for it, maybe there isnt. But there is peace in the mystery too, if we can view it as so. 


{Fortune Teller}

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

A question I sometimes ponder & even roughly inquire with others (in the most genuine, inquiring minds, I’m interested in your life, your kids are adorable, “you have a cat too?!” sort of way), though it doesn’t seem very reasonable to me, when given further thought.

There was a time when people would often ask me where I saw myself down the line. I would pull something from thin air or rattle off a customary return: career, settle down, happy. Typical stuff. I guess the lapse of time between previously being asked that & this weekend have me providing a very different answer…

Where do I see myself in five years? I’m not sure but I don’t intend on forming an indestructible plan or idea of what my future is; my plans don’t [necessarily] likely pan out. What I am sure of at this point, however, is that I want to do what makes me joyful & exercise my gifts; write, be a steward to my beautiful skin care clients & continue traveling with the possibility of joining a non profit one day. I intend on living for passion rather than a paycheck; with purpose rather than passivity. To live in prayer for the hurting hearts of others while seeking the continual work in my own. And all the while, living in pursuit of simplicity.

I suppose rather than “where do I see myself in five years” I see it as “what do I desire of my next five years”.

“Where do you see yourself” brings such conclusion; a destination that’s been [hypothetically] predetermined.

“What do you desire” promotes the journey and what we plan on contributing to it.

Big dreams, goals & even “fell into my lap” moments are all a reflection of our daily contributions; our investment of time & energy. I acknowledge that previously on my journey I found frustration due to certain opportunities or circumstances not going my way with only the end result in sight. But what were my daily contributions? How was I becoming better? How was I contributing to those around me rather than myself alone? And with only the end in sight [where I saw myself in five years] how many every day wonders was I missing out on?

Therefore, what I desire of my next five years is to live in joy, pursuit & passion — of Jesus, others & my gifts.

Where I am in five years will come & go; hopefully my contributions will make a longer, lasting impression.



#BartlettArb | Circa Spring 2014


{ i n s p o }

Last week I was moved to watery eyes & sniffles while reading a fellow friend & blogger’s most recent entry.
[elysesexpressions.wordpress.com check her out!]

I don’t want to spoil anything & I would encourage all to take in her beautiful words for themselves as she begins a new journey “writing herself alive”. She describes a lack of feeling & inspiration as her motive for taking an online class that includes this 30 day assignment.

Assignment 1: a letter to my decade younger self.

While this entry moved me it also inspired me to reflect on what I would say to my younger self. Although I’m thankful for my experiences & growing moments, there are a few “two cents’ worth” that may have aided me or just caused me to smile in encouragement.

[ 17 year old Junebug:

You are a beautiful being with so much heart & soul. You’re officially in California, on your own & unsure of what’s next but from this moment forward I want you to know & remember….

You are f e a r l e s s: don’t be afraid to jump, leap or of the growing pains that come with it.
You are c o n f i d e n t: don’t doubt the gifts, spirit & quirks God bestowed with intention when he created YOU.

You don’t need to rush. Don’t be afraid to live in the grey at times & trust the season you are in. Everything that is meant for you will come to you if only you will trust the plan God has in motion, be thankful for the journey & have discernment when navigating your route.

As you navigate your way keep in mind that it is essential to learn when to walk a w a y from what is not good & how to walk t o w a r d what galvanizes the best in you.

When & if people inquire about your vagabond & wildflower ways don’t become apprehensive of your path. Everyone takes a different route & yours specifically is piecing together a testimony — you’ll see.

At last, as you make your voyage & find yourself among favorable & hindering circumstances alike don’t lose your fire, keep dancing & hold tight to your silliness.

To my decade younger self: thank you for being you. Enjoy the journey. ]

A letter to myself then; a reminder to myself now.

{ Elyse, thank you for providing inspiration. My heart is happy to see your God given art unfold & come alive. }


thursday |boost|

• • •
” I noticed you counter yourself a lot.
Don’t let your options, potential possibilities & self expectations overwhelm or confuse you.
Read your personality & see the simplicity of it all.
You are inherently simple, artistic & beautiful.
It’s ok to sometimes life in the gray.
Just have faith.
Keep your head up.
An undeniable law that will work in your favor is simply: you reap what you sow.
You appear to sow bountifully, so you know what that means.”
• • •

To my soul sister Paige: I am grateful for you, your friendship, these words you spoke into me & for allowing me in your awesome bubble.

Happy #ThankfulThursday friends.


“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.” – Rumi




“Ok, I’m moving here.”
My journeying inspiration: Mexico.

No doubt, the accommodations were amazing but more than anything this adventure brought light to the magic of getting lost in other cultures & how much I can learn from those who are native to a different corner of the world than I. Traveling to Mexico has prompted a mini goal to get my Spanish speaking on, reminded me just how awe-inspiring God created the world and brought cue to how much more I need and want to see of it.

While in Quantana Roo we had the opportunity of jumping on a private Catamaran. (whaaaa?! yes.) We coasted a couple hours to the reef [where we snorkeled], caught a dinghy to the beach and grabbed a Sol from the locals; all before hiking up to the Tulum Ruins.

The Tulum [walled city] Ruins of the Maya were a sight and even more, a piece of history. The mystery behind the disappearance of the Mayans is intriguing; all theories of their disappearance seem reasonable to me.

Although snorkeling gave me a bit of anxiety, I knew I would regret not soaking in the moment and braving it. Therefore, I held a starfish, saw a stingray & felt exhilarated all at once! [With salt water in my nose, in my eyes & was intentionally focused on my breathing since I was a panicked spaz.]

All in all, WORTH IT peeps.

It’s funny how even among the amazing culture & views it still feels too good to be home. Maybe moving to another country isn’t in the cards for me but rather a travel visa for my vagabond bones.

Three months seems just long enough to live, laugh, learn & explore different territory before retreating “home sweet home” once more.




